Songs 4 The City
Songs 4 the City is one of SOS Church Västerås´s musical and creative expression.
Time and time again, when we read the Bible and when we look back in history, we can see how the worship and music has played a crucial role in presenting and communicating the Christian faith. It has also played a crucial role in new developments and situations. Music, by its universal language, also has the ability to break down ethnic and cultural barriers between different ethnic and religious communities. Therefore, we write new songs to the people of Västerås. So that those who live here will hear, see and understand what Christians believe and what the church stands for today.
Through cooperation, we can show unity and love between churches. This is a way for us as a church and believers to communicate our christian faith with our city. We want to demonstrate in words and in action that Jesus and his church are needed in our society today. Demonstrate that the Church are not relegated to the periphery of society, but wants to stand in the center of society. The church is a true community and a vital positive force that can make a big difference in our city.